
Woody, Toby & Ruby

Carbonation issues after cylinder change

After replacing an empty cylinder with a full one, you may notice that the device behaves a little differently than with a nearly empty cylinder. This is perfectly normal, since the pressure inside the full cylinder is higher. The higher pressure shows through the device beahving like it was “spitting gout ” carbon dioxide and carbonation feels heavier and more forceful. 

To remove the socalled overpressure from the cylinder:

  1. Press the carbonation button a couple of times without attaching a water bottle to the device.
  2. You will see and hear when the overpressure has been released. Carbonation should then seem to go as smoothly as usual.

Icing on the nozzle

When carbonating very cold water with Woody, the nozzle may temporarily freeze. This causes the water not to carbonate properly.

  1. Pull the bottle towards you to release the pressure. 
  2. The ice disappears automatically.

Tip: Toby, Ruby, Ruby 2 and Glassy are equipped with an anti-freeze nozzle that prevents icing and allows you to also carbonate very cold water. 

With which models can the Mysoda glass bottle be used?

The glass bottles are compatible with Glassy sparkling water makers only

It is not compatible with the other Mysoda models Woody, Ruby, Ruby 2, and Toby.

Device behaves strangely, leaks gas, or does not carbonate

This issue may arise especially after changing the cylinder. 

  1. The CO2 cylinder may be attachet too loosely. Check that the cylinder is properly fastened and thighten it firmly if necessary. 
  2. Check the black o-ring at the same time. Is the seal ring with a diametre of approximately 2 cm sitting at the connection between cylinder and device in place? It may have moved out of place or is missing. If necessary, we will supply you with a new seal. The video shows Woody, but it works just the same with other models.
  3. If the seal is in place, try once more to reattach the cylinder firmly.

Other frequently asked questions

Missä Mysodan hiilihapotuslaitteet valmistetaan?

Laitteet on valmistettu Kiinassa. Mysoda Woody ja Toby laitteiden rungon raaka-materiaali, UPM Formi EcoAce puukomposiitti, valmistetaan Suomessa metsäteollisuuden ylijäämistä; mäntyöljystä ja sahanpurusta.

Miten toimia, jos hiilidioksidisylinteri löystyy laitetta käytettäessä?

Mikäli kaasusylinteri löystyy hiilihapotuslaitetta käytettäessä, tarkistathan, että sylinterin kiinnityskohdan tiiviste on hyvin paikoillaan:

  • Irrota laitteen yläosa
    Kierrä kaasusylinteri irti laitteesta.
  • Sylinterin kiinnitysosan pohjalla on musta tiiviste. Paina tiivistettä sormella, varmistaaksesi, että se on asettunut suoraan ja tiiviisti aivan pohjalle.
  • Kierrä kaasusylinteri takaisin laitteeseen ja laita yläosa paikalleen. (Voit myös ennen yläosan lukitsemista tehdä vielä kaasusylinterille kiristyksen)
  • Mikäli ongelma ei ratkea, otathan yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme ( tai 020712 1590), niin toimitamme sinulle uuden tiivisteen.

How do I make carbonate water with a Mysoda sparkling water maker?

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Fill the bottle with cold water up to the mark.
  2. Attach the bottle to the carbonator by turning it ¼ counterclockwise and gently pushing the bottle upright.
  3. Carbonate the water by pressing the carbonation button 2-3 times. Stop when you hear the hiss.
  4. Pull the bottle towards you to release the pressure in the bottle.
  5. Remove the water bottle by turning it ¼ clockwise.
  6. Ready! Enjoy bubble water as is, or add Mysoda drink mixes.

How to clean the sparkling water maker?

You can clean the Mysoda carbonators by wiping the surface with a damp cloth. To prevent damage to the surface of the appliance, do not use strong detergents.

What are the white specks on my sparkling water maker?

The white specks you can see on our Woody and Toby sparkling water makers are no sign of dirt or damage of the machine but part of their design and material. Our sparkling water makers are made of renewable wood-based composite. The white particles you see are wood fibres which are a component of the wood composite material used.

How do Ruby and Ruby 2 differ from each other?

  • Ruby 2 features an improved coating, which makes its aluminium parts scratch-proof, more matte and easier to clean.
  • Ruby 2 has a new nozzle made of food-grade aluminium and stainless steel, which ensures that the nozzle keeps its original colour over the years. The new nozzle also creates a better carbonation result with smaller and more intense bubbles. This helps your water to hold the bubbles for longer.
  • The classic Ruby package contains a 0,5L bottle and a 1L bottle. Ruby 2 comes with only a 1L bottle included in the package. 0,5L bottles can be purchased separately.

User manuals


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