Sparkling water makers

A pigeon Woody psarkling water maker on kitchen counter

The Woody

A mild scent of wood brings a little piece of forest to your kitchen and gives away its secret. Instead of using fossil-based plastic, the body of the device is made from nearly 100% renewable wood-based composite.

Soda maker Glassy Latte and two glasses on kitchen counter

The Glassy

The elegant and distinct design of the machine shelters state-of-the-art functionality and durability. The body of the device is made of renewable wood-based composite, which has a unique matte finish with subtly visible wood fibres, and solid aluminium details.

A black-copper Ruby 2 sparkling water maker and two glasses on the countertop in front of opened wooden kitchen cabinets

The Ruby 2

With a simple and timeless design Ruby 2 fits many different kitchen styles and the tone-to-tone colour scheme with various colour combinations offer something for every taste. The improved coating of the device not only provides a beautiful matte finish but is also scratch proof to protect the device against the stresses of daily use.

A black Toby sparkling water maker on a white table

The Toby

The body of the device consists of wood composite which is made from almost 100% renewable-based raw materials. Toby can be used with both 60L and 130L CO2 cylinders.

Sparkling Water Makers: Enjoy Fresh Fizzy Drinks at Home

A sparkling water maker, also known as a soda maker or fizzy drink maker, is the perfect addition to your kitchen. With a sparkling water maker, you can transform tap water into refreshing fizzy drinks in seconds, all while reducing waste and saving money.

Why Choose a Sparkling Water Maker?

Investing in a sparkling water maker means convenience and endless refreshment. You no longer need to carry heavy bottles from the store or deal with single-use plastics. The best sparkling water maker is the one that fits seamlessly into your home and meets your daily needs.

Gas Refills: The Key to Perfect Sparkling Water

A high-quality gas refill is essential for making great fizzy drinks. Each refill can carbonate up to 60 liters of water, providing weeks of sparkling freshness. Replacing the gas refill is quick and hassle-free, ensuring your soda maker is always ready to use.

Customize Your Fizz, Your Way

Whether you prefer lightly sparkling water or a strong fizz, most sparkling water makers allow you to adjust the carbonation level to suit your taste. Mysoda soda makers also come with stylish designs that make it the centrepeice of your kitchen.

Explore our range of sparkling water makers and discover the perfect option for your lifestyle. With a soda maker, you can enjoy fresh, fizzy drinks whenever you like.